Member-only story
You are who you are, not what you do
I am very grateful for everyone’s support during 2021, if you visited my Medium page, my website, shared or liked a post, or recommended a friend, thank you!
This is the time of the year where we prepare to change diaries in which to note our many commitments, while we look back over the months that have passed ticking off the goals we have achieved, thinking about the mistakes we made, and the lessons we have or not have learnt.
But we are not what we do. We are not our work, we are not our mistakes, and we are not even our greatest satisfactions. We are not the money we earn, nor can our value be measured in ambitions achieved or things we own.
We are what we are: people.
People who have value regardless of achievements, numbers, mistakes, illnesses, difficult experiences, right choices and wrong choices. Even if they stumble and don’t get up. Even if they keep on making the exact same mistake over and over again, and even if they struggle to recognise their own value.
After all, it is only by making peace with the limits and difficulties we encounter, and by making peace with ourselves and our own limits, that we can embrace all that we are, without conditions or demands. And live with who we are.