Member-only story
How to be happy
Hello beautiful soul!
To understand if you are living your best life is to become aware of what your own personal concept of happiness is.
Each of us needs a particular combination of “ingredients” to achieve happiness and self-fulfilment, and this mixture is constantly changing with the passage of time.
Every day ONLY YOU can tell what it takes to make you happy.
Happiness has its causes within ourselves before it is influenced by external factors, therefore the only way to know whether a relationship, a job or any decision you make is right for you is to get in touch with your feelings and listen to your heart.
Basically, be true to yourself and follow your ‘inner voice’.
Your happiness does not depend on the number of problems you have.
It is not by eliminating problems that you will be happy, but by learning to live with them first and solve them later. The right way to do this is to accept them.
Being happy: a right we all have
Yes, you deserve to be happy.
Happiness is your right: it is not just for a few, nor is it just for the “deserving”.
Happiness is for all of us, like the air we breathe.